it's been 92589027590235902 years since my last blog. chos . thaaaaat loooooong .
i'll be soon updating this . swear. :)
sugar spice and everything nice
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
patience is a virtue
It was 4 months ago since i started being a nurse trainee at LCDH. guess what, after finishing the first phase of the training, i renewed for another 3 months still as a volunteer :| no salary, no food allowance, even transpo allowance. :| none at all. twas pure thank you. no! even thank you i can rarely hear them utter that word. ugh.
but why am i still here?
all i know is that i'm having this feeling of fullfillment seeing patients get better with my nursing care.
seeing them leave the hospital with smiles that their patients are in good condition, that they'd go home with an additional member of the family successfully born and taken good care of :) it leaves me with a happy heart.
another thing is that with this experience i was able to establish good relationship with doctors esp. the chief of hospital dr. duque. others would notice how close we are that they would say i'm his apple of the eye :) it is a good thing that you work with doctors as if you are in the same level. that no one is superior or inferior to one another :)
also the good thing is they would be there whenever you need help. like one instance, i broke a bottle of ciplon which cost p450 . i was like in the berge of crying but with the help of dr. chavez, i was able to solve my problem. he handed me down the money which i shyfully accepted to buy that med to be given immediately to the patient. instances like that, i am thankful that doctors understand my situation as a volunteer i cannot always afford such expenses. and good thing they are there to help me out :)
also, i met a lot of friends here at lipa. also a lot of frenemies :p gosh those jelous bitches . ugh ( nevermind). those friends for keeps are what matters most. :)
and most importantly i was able to improve my nursing skills as well as my personality. how to handle patients and how to handle myself in those fragile moments.
tho sometimes i feel hopeless of my career status, im still holding a grip on the hope that someday i can be a great nurse and that i can give back my achievements and success to my parents whose always there for me. they supported me and gave encouragements. never failed to encourage me to pursue my dreams. their dreams for me :)
with GOD and the people who loves and supports me, i can do this.
they say patience is a virtue. alright then :) i'll stay patient for the next 3 months. haha
till next blog fellas :)
but why am i still here?
all i know is that i'm having this feeling of fullfillment seeing patients get better with my nursing care.
seeing them leave the hospital with smiles that their patients are in good condition, that they'd go home with an additional member of the family successfully born and taken good care of :) it leaves me with a happy heart.
another thing is that with this experience i was able to establish good relationship with doctors esp. the chief of hospital dr. duque. others would notice how close we are that they would say i'm his apple of the eye :) it is a good thing that you work with doctors as if you are in the same level. that no one is superior or inferior to one another :)
also the good thing is they would be there whenever you need help. like one instance, i broke a bottle of ciplon which cost p450 . i was like in the berge of crying but with the help of dr. chavez, i was able to solve my problem. he handed me down the money which i shyfully accepted to buy that med to be given immediately to the patient. instances like that, i am thankful that doctors understand my situation as a volunteer i cannot always afford such expenses. and good thing they are there to help me out :)
also, i met a lot of friends here at lipa. also a lot of frenemies :p gosh those jelous bitches . ugh ( nevermind). those friends for keeps are what matters most. :)
and most importantly i was able to improve my nursing skills as well as my personality. how to handle patients and how to handle myself in those fragile moments.
tho sometimes i feel hopeless of my career status, im still holding a grip on the hope that someday i can be a great nurse and that i can give back my achievements and success to my parents whose always there for me. they supported me and gave encouragements. never failed to encourage me to pursue my dreams. their dreams for me :)
with GOD and the people who loves and supports me, i can do this.
they say patience is a virtue. alright then :) i'll stay patient for the next 3 months. haha
till next blog fellas :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Last monday, i started my training as a volunteer nurse at LCDH. ,days before that was spent entirely on pure relaxation, gigs and nightouts and stuffs. had to savor the days before i start working. i anticipated that work would be hard and toxic for a newbie like me. so there it was, monday was a petiks mode day since we are only oriented on hospital structures, people to know and greet everyday, rules and regulations and most especially charting appropriately. we get to familiarize with every page of the chart. what's the purpose of this, when to use that .. and more. I also get to meet new friends. actually i was paired with a bubbly gal who always smiles and almost knew everyone working there even doctors. twas good working with someone like that. nakakadagdag good aura :)) her name was KATRIN :)
So we were both assigned at station1 Ward. when it comes to ward, especially to government hosptals, expect it to be toxic. actually i met my expectations. twas very chaotic for me :p you know, when there are 50 patients and there are only 3 staff nurse on station.i i was like, what em i supposed to do? how can i help? how can i learn? heck. we seem to be invisible to them since they are so busy so i just decided to browse some charts to be more familiarized with how to document. i can't remember some that i studied when i'm a student nurse. everything seems new to me. i was really overwhelmed. i was asking myself if i could do what they're doing. if i can handle the pressure and do the right thing always? maybe in time. maybe when it comes routine and not bizarre in my case anymore.
Yesterday, i was excited to know my schedule and lucky for us we were given 4 days off per 15 days. i was scheduled first and i got to rest today because of that. I've been feeling off since Monday because of my colds. twas really a struggle to work with a runny nose and headache. hopefully i could recover with this asap.
One thing i'm also excited about is my plan of moving out and living independently at a bhouse near the hospital. twas way convenient to live nearby. if i commute back and forth Batangas, i would spend 120 for the fair plus it would drain the energy left in me. so parents agree that i move out for 3 months :) already found roommates and a boarding house. everything's set already :)
Hope i could survive the training and still have fun for the next 3 months. i can do this :) aja!
Monday, September 19, 2011
i heart ibleedcouture
I am an avid fan of onlineshopping. i love the fact that you need not to go malls or stores just to buy fab clothes, shoes accesories and even gadgets. :)
Since i love shopping online, i always search thoroughly for shops which offer fab items at a great deal of prices. :) and ibleed coutoure is one of them. it was recommended by my bestfriend since she usually buy her stuffs at ibleed and since she always recieve the item on time, i eventually knew that this is not a scam. (btw, i really hate scams. ). i was also told that she gives freebies sometimes :) plus she sells onhand clothes. it's always good to know that i don't need to wait 15 days or more for the items that i order.hassle-free . from then on i'm always checking their page from time to time for some good finds at a reasonable price ;)
Recently, i scouted a pretty Korean dress at her page and was so happy that it was on SALE. it's like hitting two birds with one stone :)
Since i love shopping online, i always search thoroughly for shops which offer fab items at a great deal of prices. :) and ibleed coutoure is one of them. it was recommended by my bestfriend since she usually buy her stuffs at ibleed and since she always recieve the item on time, i eventually knew that this is not a scam. (btw, i really hate scams. ). i was also told that she gives freebies sometimes :) plus she sells onhand clothes. it's always good to know that i don't need to wait 15 days or more for the items that i order.hassle-free . from then on i'm always checking their page from time to time for some good finds at a reasonable price ;)
Recently, i scouted a pretty Korean dress at her page and was so happy that it was on SALE. it's like hitting two birds with one stone :)
i find this dress so chiq and pretty :)
took days for me to receive the item because of the long weekend due to holidays.. but she kept me updated about it and gave me tracking nos.
but i really loved the dress and the packaging :)
immediately tried the dress on me :)
thank you ibleedcouture for the smooth transaction.
and btw advance happy birthday to you :)
i'll surely recommend your shop to my friends :D godbless :)
p.s. you could find her shop at fb . here's the link :)
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Happy Ber Ber Month :)
Holla. it's the first day of september and when we talk about ber months, christmas always pops out of happy people's head. yea right :)
With me, i started the day with a lot of good news and a big smile i must say. got a phone call from the HR dept. from gov's office advising me of the the orientation for my training. yes you read it right. I'm off to have my first ever training after 123476543285732 years. hahaha. twas really a great start for this month since working with my profession as a nurse is what i really wanted as of now. yes i want to be an office girl but as of this moment i wanna pursue my chosen career first :)
Also got a text message from a company saying that i should report to their office to hand them my credentials . weee. sounds like opportunities are coming my way :) still hoping :) i still need some experience to work abroad.
feels like i don't wanna sleep till september ends. haha.
I'm wearing a big smile and big hope :) more to productivity, effort and hardwork . thank you LOrd for listening to my prayers and i loveyou :) it's always your will .
ps. there's 114 days left before christmas . hohoho :D
Sunday, June 19, 2011
frustrations. leave me alone.
Other than that i feel like i'm losing my boyfriend/bestfriend or is it just me coz he's really busy right now. working like a pro. i can't blame him. he goes to school and support himself, he pay his bills , buy his projects etc, and that's one thing to be proud of. ikr. call me selfish but how about me? lately we've been fighting over and over and my issue is time. add up his mood. im missing a lot the old us wherein we would just argue of what food to order. now we can't even have time go on a date, eat together, make love, etc. . the best quality time he could give me is of any chance he's on break or before he goes home. that means an hour or 2-3 maybe. and with that little time he would be moody enough to piss me. he would make reklamo that he is tired already, that he needs to go home early, and more blah blahs .. i dunno sometimes i'm thinking if is it just me or the spark is gone. i love my boyfriend and that's a fact. but with these shiz thats going on with my life i dunno what could happen .
I'm running out of energy, i need money, i need work, i need love and attention, i need happiness .i need something that i could be proud of. those things if i can attain i'd be so happy. damn ecstatic. i wanna be on cloud nine naman. be happy. im still praying that opportunities will come my way. i know i should be the one looking for it pero wala talaga. or i really need to exert more effort and dedication. i need to grow up. i need to find my happiness and not just merely bum all day.
Thanks to this blog i was able to express how i feel right now. i know i have a lot of friends but they could just care less. they have their own issues. this is the only portal wherein i could express myself. not on twitter,not on facebook. so thank you blogspot :) you made me smile somehow.

Saturday, June 11, 2011
errr :/
still hasn't figure out how to customize my blogsite :/
is there anyone who could help me with this . huhu T_T
is there anyone who could help me with this . huhu T_T
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